Daniel Dalton

In honor of my son Daniel Dalton, S02 US Navy Seal


Experiencing emotional pain after losing a closed loved one?

At one point or another, everyone experiences grief. The death of a loved one can change your life and alter your perception in ways you can’t imagine. Regardless of how many times you’ve gone through the pain, it always strikes a chord.

Death is a common part of life. That doesn’t make the pain of loss any easier, but fortunately, there are ways to stay positive. It can feel very isolating and overwhelming at times, but know that you are not alone.

I, too lost my beautiful outstanding Navy Seal son Daniel Dalton on September 17, 2023 I would’ve rather died than to to have experienced such a tragedy, but I’m here because his journey wasn’t mine. Therefore, I choose to live to the fullest as I continue to honor him as not just as America’s hero fallen soldier but as my son my hero just the way he would’ve wanted me to.