I am the High Priestess in the Ifa Orisha tradition with various experiences in Haitian Spiritual practice as well. Spiritually well equipped to assist you in all type of issues.

We do initiation, will let you know who your main guardian angel and how to get closer to your guardian angel for your own protection.

“I AM”  a Spiritual being, having human experiences. I’m a life coach, a Registered Nurse,  High Priestess, Healer, spiritual channeler & Inspirational Author. However,  The main focus for this site is Spiritual healing and Spiritual Channeling

What is a high priestess?

The High Priestess earns her title with formal initiation.  She does not need to be ordained and is never bound by religion.  Her role is to follow the traditions of the Coven and Craft.  With this title, she is also granted the authority and formal titles of Healer, Teacher and Leader.  Teaching and ceremony are taken very seriously. The High Priestess is entrusted to teach the authentic and genuine truths of ancient Wisdom.  She is also granted the jurisdiction to perform Handfasting and other traditional ceremonies and rituals.


The High Priestess is seen as the Goddess Incarnate. She is the Spiritual Center and the energetic force of her Coven and within the spiritualist community.   First and foremost she must be a healer. She offers emotional, spiritual and mental healing. Quite often you will find that a High Priestess works in a caring profession in her daily life such as a Nurse, PSW, Social Worker, ECE, etc. Her main role is to provide guidance to the members of the coven as they journey on their own spiritual path.

What is a spiritual healer?

At the core of your highest self you are inherently a powerful, wise, loving, and creative being. The presence of negative emotions and memories that have been stored within you can detrimentally affect your spiritual connection or energy flow. The Latin origins of the word spiritual actually break down to mean breath of life. Spiritual healing is the process of restoring the balance between your spiritual and physical self that allows the powerful life energy to flow throughout your being.

The type of spiritual healing you require can vary based upon identifying the area of your life that you are struggling the most in at the moment. As a spiritual channeler myself I can detect areas in your body that needs more healing than others Spiritual healing of the physical relates directly to the body while emotional healing will focus on healing the pain in your heart. Mental healing focuses on the spiritual healing of the mind as spiritual healing itself predominantly focuses on the healing of your spirit or soul; which can be referred as emotional healing such as depression, stress, grief and deep emotional pain and unresolved past life issues. Spiritual healing for all aspects of heart, mind, body, and spirit resides in Spiritual healing to nurture all aspects. For example, if you are experiencing chronic headaches you will need to focus primarily on physical spiritual healing. And if you are struggling with depression you would consider the practice of mental spiritual healing to restore balance within and as a High Priestess all can be resolved.

What is a Spiritual Channeling?

According to Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, authors of “Opening to Channel: How to Connect With Your Guide,” “channeling is a powerful means of spiritual unfoldment and conscious transformation. As you channel you build a bridge to the higher realms — a loving, caring, purposeful collective higher consciousness that has been called God, the All-that-Is, or the Universal Mind…. Channeling involves consciously shifting your mind and mental space in order to achieve an expanded state of consciousness.”

To achieve this expanded state of consciousness, channelers usually meditate, trying to break free of worldly influences and tune in to a higher consciousness. They may imagine themselves seeking out specific spirits of the dead, or they may be contacted, apparently unbidden, by some unknown force that wishes to communicate. While most people channel to seek inner wisdom, I channel to be one with my guides in order to assist those who seeks my guidance, healing and wholeness so they be aware of who they are, their calling etc… and to also heal them from their physical and emotional pain do they too can live an abundant life regardless of life obstacles and tragedies while walking on their  destined path on this planet earth happily before transitioning out of this world.

Spiritual Reading:

30-minute session: $75
1-hour session: $150
Spiritual Reading and Life Coaching Combo:

30-minute session: $100
1-hour session: $200
House Cleansing Package:

Price: $250
Package details will be sent to you upon request
In-Person House Cleansing:

Price: $500 (plus flight and hotel fees)
Prices may vary depending on the complexity and scope of the cleansing required (e.g., a simple blessing versus the removal of negative entities)
If you have any further questions or would like more information about our services, please don’t hesitate to ask.